Friday, February 24, 2012

Heap. Pile. Tower.

Recollections. The HARING LEAR memorabilia I had bought. It features photos, videos and a lot more. But the best part is the Packaging.

As of now, I am under loads of stuff to do! But not to fear! I shall keep posting - for this is the only thing keeping me sane right now. My Zoology classes have been piling like crazy, Chemistry is now accululating under my feet, and not a single word has been written for my PI 100 (Philippine Institutions 100, A Study on Jose Rizal) Literature.

But what I would like to discuss now are the objects of interest in this blog: The Literature and The Arts. Under Literature, I have under my wing are a list of PI100 requirements (an Essay about an Essay, a free-verse and a pantoum about a poem, and a short story on a minimal character in Noli Me Tangere), contributions to WAYWAYA, the university publication, and a HUM1 redo of my previously posted review on HARING LEAR. My professor - but more likely I - has given me a short time to accomplish this make-over for a possibility to be published in some paper/journal/hard material. While I am under a lot of pressure in thinking of topics for new material for the "mini-book" of the university.

In the arts, I am tasked to play the role of King Lear in a HUM1 class rendering of the eponymous play. So here's to a week dedicated to a slur of lines to memorize - or read from a dummy sheet. HARING LEAR was supposed to be the wood to start the fire of the play going and I ended up thrilled and scared shitless to be leading it. At least with it, I have now cleaned my colon.

So, here's to the rest of the semester and hoping I make it out alive. :D

P.S. I'd like to comment on the amazing packaging of the memorabilia above. The post apocalypse in the setting is well reflected by the pamphlet that even the lead is encased in a sheet of plastic, much so the part where he has finally turned mad. His eyes are covered with a paper similar to onion skin to give the strange lingering feeling of being bound to such madness.


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