Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cupcake Girl

Blue and white stripes.
A big red sequined heart.
A box of cupcakes to match.
She walks these halls.
She stops to pause
A friend she comes across.

And with her hands,
She opens up
A huge tupperware
Of the little red things
Dolloped with cream cheese
Motioning him to receive.

He then reaches out
Then gives her a smile
Saying to her: "Thank you."
And as she puts
The lid back on
He repeats to her "Thank you."

She then looks up.
A sweet smile on her face.
A sweeter smile on his.
And with a goodbye,
A little red thing In his heart was set ablaze.

(Some time between 2:00 to 2:20, 02/14/12, cubicle or desk in CAS Library)

Happy Valentines Day!

Photo by: Elysse "Cupcake Girl" Salindo


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