Friday, February 10, 2012

Bound to You

Bound To You
Christina Aguilera

There is something very eerily beautiful with Bound To You. The richness of Aguilera's voice to the sincerity of each word in the composition. And by some things I could not grasp, I fell in love with this song above all others from the same movie.

Starting with the composition, I could really tell the honesty of every word. The emotions of a woman too strong for too long, needing nobody, now finding herself falling for someone for the first time. The fears of a first love and the greatness of giving in to it, forgetting your past, forgetting your fears and diving in head first to the murky future, with your love leading you and guiding you through. This battle of letting go and clamming up is a timeless beauty.

Then with the sounds, Aguilera's voice is perfect for this song, nearly tailor-made for her and her now-whole and rich tone. Each word and note comes out clean and heavy, thus making you feel her pain and struggle, which is furthermore expressed in her strains in her high notes. In the song you don't hear much layers in the vocals, just a few background vocals here and there, but there is none to be found post-bridge, unlike most pop songs, thus focusing on the seriousness and singularity of the ballad. The composition of the instrumental is phenomenal, with its chorus cadences, and an after chorus return to the simple beat, a classic Sia work of art. By doing this, it makes you pay more attention to the words better with the simple violin-accompanied piano, and come the chorus again, there is a surge of complexity which continues to the bridge and the final chorus which finishes off beautifully with an note signifying an enlightenment.

The music video come from the movie itself, which is a beautiful production, a green draping dress and a white flower in bunched up hair, with a light behind and just you on stage - one of Xtina's finest looks.

End note: Let it go. Let it go. Beautiful. Give in. Let it go.


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