Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cat Skulls and Aldehydes

It took such a long time to remove this stuck-in-academical-rut state from myself. But nonetheless I enjoyed the beauty of the Cat skull above all bones from the set for my Comparative Anatomy class, which included those of the Dogfish shark, Turtle, Chicken, and of course, the Cat. With all the complexities and modifications that bones had to undergo to actually achieve certain states of "unvestegiality" (an invented term), proper motion and support, the ride to endless memorization of sometimes annoying bones have been lighter, to say least. But I am fazed by the nuisance of naming every bone when I eat my addiction of fried chicken.

But to use the bones as an alibi for a hiatus was completely incorrect, because it were true, I would have been blogging again by the last month, and not today. So I used the other loads of brain occupiers for excuses. Now that there is still an undying load of materials and a troubled self-consciousness that never permits me to leave my blog behind, I have returned, though still slightly unready.

With the event of literary works for my PI 100 class, the logs are now sufficient enough for me to continue the burning engine which keeps my heart warm and myself running.

So here's to loads of good things! And projects to come! And prose and poetry to share!

Photo from Flickr.


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