Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tweet Something Journal-Worthy: Twitter for Academic Papers

I never knew that there would come a day that "a little birdie" would eventually be a reliable source in anything academic. Given the state of Social Networking and Education, it would take years before people see the true advantage of the likes of Twitter and Facebook in studying. I'd be struck with lightning if I say that social networking is making my grades better. I'd rather find people to chat with or tweet how boring it is getting out of bed just to grab a bite than open a tab for that rainbow of learning. Hey, I know I'm not the only one.

Escaping from school is not an option, neither is blowing it up. So we better embrace the inevitable. And now that thesis writing is near (by about a year), I better get a move on and find something academically worthy - not to mention so weird and cool. So here it is: Twitter and Academics.

I don't even know the amount of tweets in the world, but I do know it's many, and I'm pretty sure most of it is garbage in the spectacles of education. But I guess there are a few gems somewhere and all we gotta do is dig deep.

Sidenotes are at my source.
Rules are at the source of my source.


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