Friday, May 18, 2012

Into The Future

STS was a breath of fresh air after all the prerequisite subjects and the GEs that seek attention like major subjects. Though full of papers, I find myself actually looking deeper into technology and myself, and how I have greatly changed over the years growing up with the internet. And of everything I have learned, I loved the topic of what’s coming next in a few years, decades, millennia.

The mere fact that people can imagine things way before their time could ever have the technologies to make them projects the possibility of the impossible. How anything that does not disprove any known laws of physics could still hold water no matter how absurd it is today. How a possible discovery could question formulations that stood as bases for nearly everything. The possibilities are endless to a point that whatever we can conjure up in our heads could actually be true. Even fairytales could have been parallel universes that have reached our minds that have detached from the frequency of the earth to tap the frequency of a “fork in a river”. How there could have been alternate realities of what could have happened. The “what ifs” in life that haunt you every single day is just another world away. The day you should’ve said yes when he proposed. They day you should’ve showed up on a date. The day you should’ve kept your urges jarred. The day you should’ve told the person how you really felt. The day you should’ve gone home to spend a Father’s day with your dad. The fact is, I could go on and tell what people could’ve had or lost if only they knew the consequences. What only limits us is the level of advancement the world is in now to live in what we dream of.

And on the same day, the last day, a golden nugget of inspiration has been dropped to signify what it really is to live and to be educated. “Slope of a line is rise over run. So Rise after every fall rather than run from every challenge.” (Espinosa, 2012)

I guess anything is possible when we try. If we only tried.

This comes from my paper on STS about my favorite topic. Thank you. :D


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