Friday, May 11, 2012

Broken Houses

Instead of writing a story for tonight, I decided to introduce you to some artistic photography. Don't worry! I might write one on the road and put it here for your viewing pleasure tomorrow. Going back to the art of the photograph, which is usually underrated due to the lack of skill it needs relative to painting and sculpting. But then again, a photography, like most visual art helps us see something that we might have missed or something that we bore ourselves looking at but now in a different angle or light. Hence, I present to you Broken Houses by Ofra Lapid.

Well, from what I have read, the artist starts taking photos of houses that have been abandoned and left to rot by humans, made models out of them, and photographed them again on a blank background. The result? An eerie yet homey effect; a reflection of abandonment of a person's dreams, lives, memories and regrets; and a reminder of what's left from moving on. The things you own, owned, keep, and kept is a fragment of who you are. And I myself could't come to the thought of saying goodbye to anything, thus turning me into a hoarder of memories I try to hard to not let slip away. (Note: A ticket for Enchanted Kingdom for the day I unexpectedly saw someone I know is now a bookmark to an anthology I turn to for inspiration.)

See more of the collection here. Enjoy!


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