Sunday, December 4, 2011

Losing Faith and Finding It Again

(November 20, 2011, 8:45 PM, On a busride home)

Losing faith and finding it again,
Through wake-up calls and loud sirens,
Unheard by the body, recognized by the soul,
Winning me back was His greatest goal

I for so long questioned who He was,
What plans and roads for me He has
And all these detours that would lead me astray,
Hating the hard steep paths He wanted me to stay

And when I got to where my detours have lead,
What I saw was darkness and emptiness ahead
I have been tricked, been fooled
By the material, the physical and indigent world

Walking backwards, taking back words,
What tomfoolery a fool has been lured
Finding that corner of magnificent light,
Marrying the day, divorcing the night

Erratum is human, those who know are blessed,
Makes us more sincere than those who couldn’t care less
It has been so long, I have forgotten when,
Losing faith and finding it again


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