Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's My First Post!

the (Not-So) Blanc Room with me in it!

I have always wanted to delve into the human being. Its hopes and dreams, its past demons, its forever occurring present. Everything about what we do, what we are, revolve around the three elements of Past Present and Future. Everything is not preset - or it is preset - but nonetheless, we do not know. We can never see what lies ahead and what we have been through are only seen as memories that are subject to bias and change. But this sort of helplessness makes us who we are.

With this, I present The Blanc Room. A sanctuary of works and a little bit more of everything in life, make believe or not. They exist because we exist. And we tend to be pulled closer to what we are like the most, maybe for change or  for companionship, so that we'll know that someone out there is just like us. Striving.

Thank you! And more to come!


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