Monday, April 30, 2012

Strong Enough

Strong Enough
Stacie Orrico
Stacie Orrico

P.S. I haven't blogged for a week. Why? I took a break to realize some things and immersing myself knee-deep into music. And The latest revelation came through this song, which I just heard yesterday, sent by a friend. Thank you so much. It's been a while since I listened to Stacie Orrico, and now, I see her in a different light. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Rectangular Frames

We need to talk.

I just entered the house, opened a tub of ice cream and curled up on the left side of the couch.

Yes, I'm crying. No, don't come here to my side and wipe them. I always get to see just a glimmer of your eyes. Let me see them. Let me take your glasses off. Let me see them. I just love how big and brown they are. Yes, I'm sure that you don't need to wipe them off.

You know, I know you don't love me. I could see that. Yes, in your eyes. I could also feel you drift further away, not like you were close to begin with. But, I do know you try. You try so hard to find it in you. But you don't. You never call to check up on me. You never finish the meals I made you. Stop! Let me finish. You never tell me that you love me when no one is around. You don't touch the cupcakes I make, they're still in the fridge. You never reply when I text. You never came to events I wanted you to. But in all those things, I try to not mind. I know how stubborn you are. I know how lazy you get to. And somehow, that's why I love you.

You can't say that I never tried. I always did. I try to help you get closer to me, so that it would be easier for the both of us. I gave you everything I can, with enough space. I never got jealous, because you'd complain when I do. I wanted to give you freedom from all my pains. That's why I try to resolve my own problems because I didn't want to add to yours.

I know it's hard for you to hear what I'm saying. But you should know that it's even harder for me. I can't tell you how much it just pains me to see you everyday hoping and praying you'd fall in love with me again - if you did love me before. The most painful part in whatever it is between us is hoping, not the waiting. I could wait forever for you to love me when I do know you will, but I couldn't hope that long when my soul just wears thin knowing you won't.

I got my bags packed and the taxi would be coming soon. Please, don't stop me. I love you so much. You were my world. You fueled all the wonderful things that I could do now. But could never see how you look at me through these glasses. I could trade a day in my life to just see and feel what you feel when you see me, but then again, I already know how that feels. And it's killing me. You can have these back.

I love you so much. So much.

And I bit my lip to refrain from crying. 15 minutes until the cab comes.

I hear keys and footsteps.

"Hello, dear! Sorry I'm late. The traffic was a killer," he says. "Oh, you have ice cream. Whatever for?"

We need to talk.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mood Swings

You push me forward. Gravity pulls me back. I never seem to go around.

(12:24 am, 03/21/12, Dorm)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Anybody's Heart

Anybody's Heart
Katharine McPhee

P.S. I have finally found the song to sum every single pain, reflecting just enough of me to fit to a T. Childish croo-ing to the excruciating lyrics in simple band-aid words. I have found the song of the week in an album I shunned. Make you reconsider, no?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Good Reads: Why I'm Sick of Adele

It's rare that you find very funny yet true bashing articles in the web. As a feature writer, I appreciate her approach on a matter that is relevant and up to date. Adele is now a worldwide phenomenon, why? It's because of her latest album, no fillers, just every word jam-packed-and-overflowing with what Irene Zutell says as "excruciating pain". Yet, given her circumstances, it's inevitable to get sick of Adele when every single time, you just feel ugly heartbroken, or you just don't have the time to sit at the corner crying over a loss so great. No one could have written the article any better. It's funny and oh so true.

Read it here!


Friday, April 6, 2012

I see your glasses. 
I wonder what your eyes see. 
I wonder what they look like. 
I wonder if you look at me.

(4:49 04/06/12 Computer Room)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Get Inspired: Minimalist Childhood

I have loved a lot of things about my own childhood. And until now, I couldn't even shake the sweetest feeling of touching a Lego brick. It brings back a lot of memories, even to this day. I could still remember fussing about making a face or head when one wasn't available in the set. So when desperation sinks in, I'd use an expressionless yellow brick - but it wouldn't feel the same.

Now that I have matured a little bit and opened my eyes to minimalism, I could now appreciate even the slightest of things. Hence, my first "Get Inspired" Post.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go
Florence + The Machines

I present to you my current obsession: Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machines. Off the whole album, this one struck me the most. Even through crappy speakers, I could feel the song pulling me into the deep, losing my mind for a moment.

On the song, I guess I haven't delved quite deep into indie music, but I do appreciate the band even the lead, Florence Welsh. Her voice isn't what you normally hear in "bands", which is great! The band is something different and the music they do is so ethereal in their current album, which for me is a take on religion and its whole she-bang. The track featured today is no exception. From it, I could feel like I have been eaten by a big wave, dives underwater and just drowned though still alive. Her vocals have the calming effect most especially felt when they get stretched to a near falsetto. The echoing choir, piano, and drums also help in the effect of the undersea and the rain. The lyrics have also the addiction of water and just letting yourself go into the deep even when you keep on saying to someone else never let you go.

The point has been driven further by the video, which need not to be explained much, because at times, even I couldn't understand. But from what I see, it would just simulate the feeling of the song. The possible plot would be the woman the lead plays is a ghost of a drowned victim revisiting a lover, which is in itself a reminder to never let her memory go. Even that is heartbreaking.